Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sleep... and White Rabbits

Since being pregnant I have been very lucky and haven't felt sick at all, and actually feel pretty much normal. I have really only noticed one big difference. What is it you ask.... SLEEP, I NEED IT!! This is nothing really that new if you know me, and I've always been one that can stay up really late and sleep in, and no sleeping until 10:30 on a weekend is NOT sleeping in to me, it is completely normal!!

But it's its the early nights that I'm not use of. If I'm not heading to bed at 9 and sleeping by 9:30, good luck me feeling at all normal. It's a fight for me not to hit snooze a half dozen times to get some extra sleep.

So it's now 10:00 and officially past my new bedtime and you ask why am I still awake. Well I had to save the neighbours rabbits who were running around the streets. Yes my neighbours have 2 white rabbits, a white cat and a white dog, none of which are allowed out without being on leash (yes I said leash, and no these neighbours are not children).

Anyways it's now WAY PAST MY BEDTIME, and I'm going to go sleep.

Good Night!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Gender Ultrasound Pics

These are the pictures that we got from UC Baby telling us we were having a Girl.

This first picture I honestly can't figure out. The real picture is a bit more clear than this scanned copy, but maybe you guys might have a bit more of an imagination than me.

Do you have any idea what were looking at???

It did take me a bit to figure out that I had to turn this photo upside down (so I posted it that way), but in this picture you can see the bottom of her face (nose & mouth) in the top left corner of the picture. Then her body (you can see the ribs), right arm hoding her leg, and you can see her left hand holding her.... bum!

This picture being 4D really makes me so anxious for our next appointment, the pictures are going to be amazing!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Were having a ...

I can't believe it, but we just found out that we are having a PRINCESS!!!! No not in the royalty sense as I'm sure you are aware, but she will be our Princess just the same. I'm so excited!!!!

I had myself convinced that we were having a Boy, 60% of you guys said Boy in the Poll, and Rich wanted a boy (but wouldn't say it), so when we opened the envelope to looked at the pictures from UC Baby, it took a while to sink in when we read GIRL.

We have made our phone calls, and I have updated my Facebook, so now the word is out. I'm off to bed to have sweet dreams about our little girl.

(Oh and this weekend I will scan and post the pictures from UC Baby.)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gender?? Who's in there?

Well I recieved the phone call from the OBGYN today
and the results...
of course the baby looks PERFECT,
but the babies legs were crosses
and the Gender could not be determined.

For months now I've been the one wanting to know NOW, and Richard has been telling me to be patient, but now he has joined me, and neither of us can wait for our scheduled 4D Ultrasound on Feb 13th.

So the wonderful people at said they would fit me in on Friday to see if they can see the Gender. So now we have to wait... but only 2 more sleeps (haha I always think it's funny when people count down the sleeps).

I will be back yet again with some results. but in the meantime take my Poll on the Right of the Page. Who do you think is in there...

1st Ultrasound Pics

Well I didn't get the "Nice Lady" and instead got the "Quite Lady" , I think she said a total of 30 words to me over 45 minutes so needless to say she didn't tell us if were expecting a Girl or Boy. But she did say the heartbeat was 142, and took these pictures of our precious little one...
Leg & Foot
This picture looks like he/she is about to suck his/her thumb...

Looks like a sleeping Angel to me!

To my calculations I will be 21 weeks tomorrow so maybe just maybe (not holding my breath or anything) I will be getting a phone call from my OBGYN with THE NEWS!!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

20 Weeks... Half Way!!

Wow time is flying by and I'm already half way there!! Along with being 20 weeks pregnant comes some exciting times. The baby has been kicking, or more like doing acrobatics since about 16 weeks, and I'm just starting to show a bit of a bump. Well I don't know how much that is true, cause I'm still wearing my regular jeans, but I can't wait to be showing off a bump in all my new Maternity clothes.

Tomorrow is my first Ultrasound, and I can't wait to see our baby, hear the heart beat, and find out the Gender. But then I found out that most likely the Ultrasound Technician won't tell us at the appointment and I will have to wait again!! So hopefully they will send the report to my OBGYN really quickly cause I don't know how much longer I can pretend to be patient, Hahaha!

I will be back really soon with some exciting PINK OR BLUE news!!!! Oh and maybe a couple pictures, of course of the baby but maybe of me too.