Saturday, February 6, 2010

Belly Pics - 5th Month

Ok here it is... I finally have a Baby Belly, and it came fast! One week prior to taking any pictures there really wasn't anything to see. I was still wearing my jeans and convincing people that there was something there. But at 21 weeks I got super excited seeing that there was finally something to show for my 5 + months of waiting for a belly. Who would have known that just 2 days after taking the first picture I would pop and say goodbye to doing up my jeans again.

So here they are pictures of my 5th Month.

Stay tuned cause next week I will post the pics of my 6 month Baby Belly!!

Dr. Appt / Changes / Scary News

I had another Dr. appointment this week with the OBGYN. Everything was pretty routine, our Baby Girl's heartbeat was 150, I've gained weight... eeeek (I have a hard time with that one), oh and they measured me this time, yes I now have a belly to measure!

They reviewed my Ultrasound (everything looks good) but have now changed my due date... it was May 28th, and now is June 5th. This makes me happy because there is a better chance that our Little Girl will stay put until after Brookes & Theo's Wedding (May 22nd). But at the same time if she stays put too long, then we will have to waiting until mid June before I get induced and we can finally meet her. I know I'm thinking well in advance, but once again this plays into me being... well not so patient.

In other news we have a sick puppy and have been given some scary news about Chloe. She has not been feeling well this week so after a trip to the Vet... she has been put on antihistamines & antibiotics to clear fluids from her lungs. The Vet has also run her blood work and it looks like there is problem with her Liver, and they are thinking that she might have Hepatitis (not the like Hepatitis people can get). She is looking better, but I'm still very worried about her so I'm thinking that I'm going to take her into Vancouver to the Pet Hospital and get their opinion. I don't want to mess around with this, and they are the best around.

Well, that about wraps up my week, but I have been making alot of promises to people who haven't seen me in a bit (including my Mom & Dad, who are enjoying the Sun in Arizona) about pics of my Baby Belly so I better download the pics and post them quickly cause it's getting close to my bedtime. Who would have thought I would be voluntarily going to bed at 9 on a Weekend, haha.