Monday, August 17, 2009

Where have I been?

The answer to that question is, not far, just busy. Mainly spending ALOT of time with Brooke preparing for Georgia's Baptism. Yesterday was a beautiful day, and I promise to have photos to follow, but once again I was so involved with the activities that I didn't even pull out my Camera. (So a request to everyone that was there, please send me your pic's)

Update on 30 Day's of Blogging Challenge. My 30 days of blogging have come and gone, it was pretty successful; I posted 20 out of my 30 days. Not too bad considering that is about half of my total posts so far this YEAR! I look forward to posting more often than I did prior to my 30 Days of Blogging.

So with that said..... I will be back! With lots of pics from the last week.

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