Friday, July 24, 2009


We have had some amazingly hot weather the last few weeks but, right now the Hot & Cold are mixing and were having a Summer Storm. There is something about storms that seem so very cozy! Listening the the rain hit the ground, or the rolls of the Thunder and watching the flash's of Lightning, it all brings back alot of great memories of my childhood.

Brooke and I would get very excited when we were really little when there was a Thunderstorm. My Mom would make us Hot Chocolate and Cookies and read us the same book every time.

I'm not 100% sure that this is the actual name of the book, cause I remember it to be something more like Hop'idees, or Thumper's First Thunderstorm, but all I could find online was this:
Buster's First Thunderstorm.

I will have to ask my Mom what the book was actually called, but considering that I couldn't find what I thought it was than Buster it probably what.

It's small little traditions like this that make a childhood memorable, and I plan on doing the same with my kids. (But I'm sure I can find a more "updated" version of Buster)


Shawna said...

What a great tradition! It's crazy that we live SO close and yet we haven't had any thunder storms!

Nadine said...

Really you haven't had any? It must be because all of the mountains so close here.

Well last night was a small one compared to the one about a week ago that woke me up in the middle of the night and shook the house! But I do remember asking Brooke about that one and was shocked that she never heard anything. (She is just up the hill from you)

Anonymous said...

Well sweetheart...It was called "Hoppity's First Thunderstorm" I believe I have it downstairs somewhere and I'm so glad that it gave you such a sweet memory!! We also read "Tiggy and the Giant Wave"....xoxo!

Nadine said...

Hoppity's... thats it!!! thanks Mom.