Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jenica's Stagette

I promised pictures from Jenica's Wedding Festivities, so here is the first installment.... Stagette!!

We spent the day in Yaletown, first stop was a private party at Pure Nail Bar, where we were pampered while enjoying some Drinks and Appies.

Pure Nail Bar was very accommodating and because this was an after hours event they allow you to bring in your own Food, Drink and Music. For sure this is a definite must do, even just for a night out with a bunch of girls.

After the Spa we went for a Private Wine Tasting at Taylorwood Wines

The beauty of Yaletown other than the sights, the water, shopping, and nightlife is you can walk everywhere, and so we did, and most of the girls did it in 3" heels no less. But those smart cookies had a secret hidden in the their purses, flip flops which saved the night walking from one stop to the next.

We enjoyed dinner at Relish, a night out on the town, finished up at the Edgewater Casino, and Cabbed it back to the Hotel when the sun was rising.

I don't remember the last time I was out that late, but I guess that is one of rare advantages of having no kidlet's yet, well except Chloe (English Bulldog) she's our baby.
It was a night to remember!!


Shawna said...

Looks like a fabulous time and I too love Pure Nail bar --- It's a super fun place!

Great job on organizing a fabby night for Jenica!

Ps. Love the picture of you, Laura & Brooke --- you are one great looking bunch!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Shawna,
I Must Say it was a great night, What great Event Planners ~wink wink~

Anonymous said...

What a fun day...night...morning = ) It was such a great time. Couldn't have asked for more, or better girls friends. Thanks ladies..I'm so blessed! ~Mrs.Scott