Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

Tonight is Lights Out Night for Earth Hour, it is happening at 8:30 p.m. This has become a annual event where millions of people in cities around the world will use the simple act of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.
My house tonight will be in the dark for an hour. Well that is not entirely true... nobody is going to be home tonight so when I left I made sure to leave all of my lights off, even my exterior lighting. So really for my house it will be a Lights Out Day. At home we are pretty consciences to make sure that we don't leave lights on when we don't need them. Not for the reason of Global Warming (that thought really doesn't cross my mind), but just for the sake of not wasting money. Why leave the lights, TV's, Computers on if you are not using them?
So I just wanted give everyone the reminder in case they forgot, because I know last year I forgot. Lets see how much energy we can save!

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