I enjoyed a very busy weekend and am now tired at 8pm on a Sunday, and am thinking of going to sleep early... but not before updating my Blog.
Here is my Weekend Recap...
Friday after I was done at the office Laura and I went to see Jenica's new Condo, LOVE IT!! I know Jenica wouldn't appreciate pictures of the madness of move in day on my Blog, so I will show you a sneak peak of a unit that we purchased for an investment. Her unit is the same layout but in reverse, and just in a different colours scheme.
While still in Surrey I got a phone call from Richard to tell me that he was at our house to for a surprise weekend visit. I was sooo excited to get home to see him, but when I got home that night it was to a very overly excited Chloe (our English Bulldog) that was limping around. I just panic when anything is hurting her, so needless to say I was a little unnerved that night.
Saturday started out with a early morning trip to the Vet. Sure enough the excitement of Daddy coming home and then jumping on and off... on and off... on and off the bed the night before had pulled a muscle in her knee. Solution... medication and a strict enforcement of No Exercise for 1 week. So yes that includes no jumping up to sleep on the bed or couches, no stairs, and no playing tug or catch (an yes I'm getting stronger by the day having to tote all 50 lbs. of her up an down the stairs). Chloe is a pretty good listener, so thus far we are doing pretty good, and she is on the mend.
Brooke & Georgia came out our way for our Cousin Lana's Baby Shower Saturday Afternoon. If you recall she was my 2nd post on my blog, take a look. She is 3 weeks from her Due Date and I can't wait to meet the little guy!! (Sorry no pic right now, will have to come back with those)
That night we had a Laura's early Birthday Celebration over dinner and drinks, oh... and the Canucks game. Here is Laura enjoying some of her new Birthday presents, and Georgia.

Hope you have a wonderful Birthday on Thursday Laura!!!
Love ya, xoxo
Sunday, Mother's Day!
I enjoyed the day with my
Mom and Grandma, doing my Mom's planters.
Unfortunately Brooke was too sick with the
flu to make it out today and missed her very first Mother's Day. I will be sure to catch a
4 Generation picture of everyone the next time we are all together. Oh and
in case you didn't know Brooke was named
Mother of the Year 2009 This was passes on to us from a friend
hehehe. (Sorry Brooke, Smith was the first fake "
lastname" I could think of) Check it out and make sure you pass this on to all the
special Mothers in your life,
here is the link.
Well that about wraps up my weekend, and tomorrow it's back to the grind of another work week.
Luckily it's a short one for us, May Long weekend marks the start of
Camping Season, so we are leaving on Thursday. And even better were on
holidays next week.
Hope everyone enjoyed your Mother's Day, and have a wonderful week! I will be back with some
pictures from Camping, and from my weekend away visiting Rich (Sorry I know, really late in posting those).